% BIND: % BIND: keyword, keyword % SCION: keyword % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh % BIND: keyword, keyword % [_inventory_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/inventory) % SCION: keyword % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh The dev second part exchanges the hold buffer with pattern space by using the "x" command. The pattern space now contains the whole paragraph of text. Next sed tests if the paragraph contains "AAA". If it does, sed does nothing which results in printing the paragraph. If the paragraph does not contain "AAA", sed executes the "d" command that deletes it without printing and restarts execution at first command. % [_test.mdsh_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh)