% FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/data_tree_biology % SCION: flow In software, a stack overflow occurs if the stack pointer exceeds the stack bound. The call stack may consist of a limited amount of address space, often determined at the start of the program. The size of the call stack depends on many factors, including the programming language, machine architecture, multi-threading, and amount of available memory. When a program attempts to use more space than is available on the call stack (that is, when it attempts to access memory beyond the call stack's bounds, which is essentially a buffer overflow), the stack is said to overflow, typically resulting in a program crash % [_a_walk_along_the_zenne_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/a_walk_along_the_zenne) What water sources interact with the canal and the river? [^]{http://www.coordinatiezenne.be/mailer/Zennekrant_14/img/SPW.pdf} % [_a_walk_along_the_zenne_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/a_walk_along_the_zenne) Trees have an extensive system of vascular tissue, cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body. They have types of vascular tissue: xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts most of the water and minerals up from roots. Phloem has cells arranged into tubes that distribute sugars, amino acids, and other organic products. In data tree structures, the connection between nodes are the pipelines through which information flows from one component to the other. Unlike biological trees, in this case, the material is arranged from top to bottom, maintaining a hierarchical articulation between the graph components. Using this connection property, binary search trees have an ordering property, that allows to search for a particular node in the graph only taking a series of binary decisions. The search function uses the vertical flow defined by the connections. Although height is an essential quality of both, in biological and data structural trees; the demand in data structure is to keep a tree small to improve performance. The gain is associated with this feature; less deep the tree, faster the search. In contrast, the ability to grow tall was a major evolutionary innovation that gave vascular plants a competitive edge, favoured by natural selection.* In this sense, the ideal data tree has more the characteristics of a bush. From a certain size onwards, bushes grow more and bigger buds at the bottom of their branches, and start ignoring the nurturance of buds at the top. *The cells of the pipes conducting water through the tree are strengthened by the lignin, which allows trees to grow tall. Their stems became strong enough to provide support against gravity, and they could transport water and mineral nutrients high above the ground, making them less dependent on the weather, able to bridge periods of drought. % [_data_tree_biology_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/data_tree_biology)