% BIND: % BIND: dev, Robustness % SCION: dev % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh **revolution of the toolmaker:** toolmaker position is a priviledged position to rewrite society's flows/ on the fly? Graph of Skype adoption (geometric curve) foreign aid (flat) remittances - money people end home (similarly geometric growth) correlation or causation? % [_test.mdsh_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh) % SCION: dev % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh Graph of Skype adoption (geometric curve) foreign aid (flat) remittances - money people end home (similarly geometric growth) correlation or causation? % [_test.mdsh_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh) % SCION: dev % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh dsadfafsa ========= % % % ## dsafsfdsgdsgds % ### efewftew % [_test.mdsh_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/test.mdsh) % SCION: Robustness % FROM: http://pipelines.local:9001/p/notes_day1 Robustness principle / postel's law: "_Be conservative in what you produce/output while being liberal in what you accept from others_" [^]{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle} Postel's law is now considered harmful. [^]{The Robustness Principle Reconsidered. Eric Allman. doi:10.1145/1978542.1978557 http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2011/8/114933-the-robustness-principle-reconsidered/fulltext} [^]{The Harmful Consequences of Postel's Maxim https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thomson-postel-was-wrong-00} % [_notes_day1_](http://pipelines.local:9001/p/notes_day1)