A short exploration of the vocabulary around systems A set of interacting and interconnecting components that forms a "whole". System of behaviours, norms, "rules (that govern)", structure, interconnectivity, interconnection, values, etc. Systems have features and embedded components such as sets of values, norms, rules of governance, etc.. Systems can be contested, resisted, re-imagine, disrupted. But the system can also be recuperated ? Promiscuity as a property of the system? You can have many to many relations as a property of the system. You don't show where things are located. Can the Ambiguity, Flexibility and contradictions that brings a promiscuity of the system. something large or small? something systemic? something systemitized? "A Whole", totalising, universalism, normative (how things should be, etc. ) - Encapsulation systems as process of encapsulation and conventions of relations, patterns etc+ membrane around something, with inside/outside mycelium - node regimes of truth - imposition decoherence decay degrees of legibility dependance - independance, relativity of autonomy ("system" os prefix or suffix for each element of the list of terms) - free play {ornette coleman] as an explict rejection of 'improvisation' - insecurity - can create fear or opportunities (depending on type of system) - how is it embedded in the system, can be component of the system - pipelines (a system of pipes) - workflow ( a system for arranging work) - Virtualisation : different topologies at different layers that may not match up - Trees and Forests Trees have a root, but in a forest they may not all root to one point (Trees are growing upside down in computation, every tree is a node, tree as a population) - system can be the 'edges' between the nodes - ecology - network - mesh(work) - ecosystem - osmosis - symbiosis - perspective (stance) : system(s) of thoughts, of knowledge, of "thruth" - regime(s) of truth. - autocatalytic (systems than can create things that help maintain , improve or perpetuate the system.) - self sufficiency ( a system that has minimal connections to things 'outside' itself, able to perpetuate the conditions of autonomy} - autonomy ( as a specific moment ) - system failure (total, gradual, partial, etc+) - maintenance - how is this organised collectively, inherent in the system (or not - entropy) - standardisation - normali[s|z]ation - handshakes and negotiation (as ways of moving within a system, across components, etc) - openness (an open system can accept 'inputs(?)' - leakage (leaky ststems...} - layers (of operation) - protocol - compatibillity (among and within systems) - interconnection (of compents, aspects of a system) - unpredictability (as a property of non-deterministic sytems) - flexibility (using a system in various different ways. various ways to compose, inteconnect parts of a system) - (sub)graphs as a way of creating representaions of (some) systems graphing, mapping, making apparent - master / slave or producer/consumer - temporary consent - what does 'consent' mean within existing power relations? - resistance - corruption - ad hoc methods for creating temporary distributed systems - promiscuity : property of system? many to many relations, felxibility + problems because hard to tell where 'edges' (or relations) are part of a system? "rough consensus & running code" = behaviour of promiscuous system (how rough? how well running?) - owner(ship): who is owning the system, are they the y same as those building the system, with which intention? - purpose - power - intention What can be done with Ambiguity, Flexibility and contradictions of (a) promiscuous system(s)? % TAKE THIS % LABEL: Recuperation Is the recuperation of contestation towards a (capitalist or other) system inevitable? //// // /// / / /// / / / // / / // / / / // / // / // // (below this point we haven't (yet) systematized the relations between systems & the concept....) // ////////// // /// / / / / / // / / / - improvisation - play - modularity - connector / pad / plug - connection / edge / route - universalization - particularization - particularised universalisation - perspective / standpoint (point of view) - projection (cartography) - sources and sinks / producer and consumer - (sub)graphs - streamin - stack overflow - buffer - intermediary - underflow, underrun, starvation (stream errors) (not enough data to process) - data drought - parsing - plugins - Bus (technical infrastructure) - data channel vs control - routing - granularity - bus - assemblage - workflow - standard in / standard out - composition / abstraction (fundamental means of organising code / systems) - buildings blocks vs. constellations - class / instance (object oriented) - flow graph languages: pads (attachment points) - interface - Design by contract (not just an API but a contract for behaviour) - Parallelism - Convention - coordinate - Containers - Rhizome (Negri/Hardt? resistance to loss of a branch, vs. Mycel - T. Feuerstein) - Intersection - Intersectionality - entanglement - metaphor taint - (Intelligence at the edge vs. intelligence at the middle) -> permaculture vs monoculture? - intelligence - limits - interface - prototype - shebang - side channel - fork - transaction - failover - partition - thing (as opposed to object) - goal-oriented / emergent - fork - tree - data drought