A FEMINIST NET/WORK(ING) HOW-TO Promiscuous Pipelines, September 2015 ================================================= % GRAFT: feminist networking, pipelines, permissions, cookbook *Setup local server(s) & make your own network infrastructure, rather than "fixing the problems of internet access" by paying for increased bandwidth / data; *Prefer "read/write" and negotiable networks to those that "just work"; *Prefer pocket servers to those in the clouds; *Embrace a diversity of network topologies and different scales (machine to machine, local nodes, institutional infrastructure) and consider the implications of working with each; \ *Rather than a Web 2.0 model where resources must be uploaded onto "a 24/7 Internet" in order to share them; where sharing presupposes acceptance of non-negotiable / non-rewritable Terms of Service defined by market-leading global corporations) *Invite participants to look critically at the implications of *any* infrastructural decisions, rather than imagining utopic and/or "killer" solutions; *Aim to make that which is normally hidden and invisible (in contexts that tend to surveillance), explicit and shared (as a gesture of collective authorship), for instance: *Instead of caching web resources (silently), imagine services to archive resources and share them locally as cookbooks or a digital library; *Rather than logging servers and database accessible only by administrators, imagine (local) logs available for reading / editing by participants and published conditionally. Some documents about tools *[[Social shell]] *[[SSHaring]]