Building blocks?
Bucky Ball

Homeostatic patterns
waves vs. particles
self-stabilizing patters
It all depends on how you need to see something
(If you need to see a wave, you see a wave,

Re-factoring ... ?
(The fact that everything in Smalltalk (all the way down) allows for extreme flexibility like refining True and False (you will crash quickly ;)
Ability to start with test code / usage and "run it" let it break, and then write the code via the "debugger".
The ability to solve problems before you understand what they are.
Writing interfaces as a means of understanding the shape of a system.

Decomposition: The act of figuring out the modularity of a system 
Decomposition --> Dependency

Frameworks vs. Scaffolding

Architecture and the relation to the software (Autocad and regular curves... Maya and blob architecture)
Gehry and CATIA (software from the Aerospace / Aeronautics Industry)




% GRAFT: endurance, library, constellations
> For Fuller it was a great enigma why one form
> should endure while another does not, especially
> because he disclaimed both the term "bodies" and
> the concept of "building blocks" that lead one
> to believe that it is obvious that a form will
> be retained. Today every physicist affirms that
> the concept of "building blocks of material" has
> been rejected once and for all.
> [@[p.9]krausse:2001:fuller]

% GRAFT: library, constellations
> Fuller's little rubber hoses, which he introduced
> into his model as the nodal connectors for the
> rods, are a ridiculous detail from a material
> point of view, but from a conceptual point of
> view they are a firstrate tool. Flexible nodes,
> which Fuller stipulated as early as 1932, make it
> possible to create a model that enables the
> formation of rigid "bodies" on the basis of
> moveable constellations and that thinks of
> stabilization as a self-stabilizing pattern.
> Fuller attributes the retained form to a
> recurring pattern; he defines structure as a
> "locally regenerative pattern integrity."
> [@[p.9]krausse:2001:fuller]

Modularity as a saver for programmer time.

Study on relationship between the structure of organisations / and the structure of the code they produce.

Modularity and Division of labour in programming

% GRAFT: distribution of work, separation, TODO
Rule of Modularity -> Rule of Separation

Internal coherence vs. external legibility / communicability

APIs are counter-revolutionary
(Amazon's API -- there's only a single provider)
You really want protocols

Twitter API / APIKey
Taina Bucher
Objects of Intense Feeling: The Case of the Twitter API
(How the shifting API can be used tactically to lock in developers -- already the opposite of a standard that is about stability that allows multiple implementations)

APIKey as epitome of singularity (legal agreement)

Protocols are all about Independent implementations

Is search an un-decentralizable problem?
(Gopher -- decentralized search?)

Refactoring: Relation of inside to outside. (relation to product design)