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Overview (

catastrophes = that human civilization is facing
we might solve a few of them

New myths to maintain humanity in coming loss
Industrial Autocatalysis

Dependecy chains
Grier on limits: Civilisations limiting factors (the example of Rome & unconquered territories as limiting factor)

Splitting vs. (up)Shifting to a new resource... but only delaying the moment of hitting a wall of another limit

in 100/150 years, all of what consistutes humanity now will no longe exist
not question of how to survive, but how we can keep some human aspects now
coming up with new myths that could let us maintain our humanity through the catastrophes to come.

structure of the world would change radically this century

people under 40 will see 2 billiards people dying
industrial autocatalysis. the loop of extractions-productions, where 'breakdowns' happen.

"catalysis and complexity" paper by Grier?
limiting factors. ie roman empire's limiting factors etc..
fragmenting one of the 'solutions'.
upshifting, another solution, switching to different resources to exploit. necessarily adds complexity because one switches to resources which where ignored beforehand
each new shift gets less time to be exhausted.
the infrastructural century :the shift is when the infrastructure is planetary size, with huge supplychains

cascading failings on a plantetary size.

% GRAFT: Cascading trust, library, TODO
cascading trusts
(What establishes the trust of the pre-determined "trusted" certificates in a system ... and so on down to OS / System / hardware/chip ...)
at the end failure of trust - not solved yet
with pipelines, implied flow. with piplines, implied discussion about container, commodification, legibility
content includes container / system + power of control
ex money as infrastructure, liquid agency 
[^]{paper computer science 'Reflections on trusting trust'}


pipelines : need for repetitivity
you have one because you believe you will use it more than once
(implicit sense of future repetition)

diy bio movement : making it easier for people to come up with new organisms
novel organisms
ex bioorganism that would kill anyone who has eaten meat during the last 6 months

"seeing like a state" - book by james scott
what the vision of the state does to the world.
at some point germans? decided to see forest as a revenue for the state.
make the forest legible to the state. planting trees etc..
exhausted nutricional capacity of the soil
1940s forestry crisis
cause: all other ways to view a forest were not part of the 'state' vision:
-> ritual uses, ...
Example from early Chinese culture
last name : to ensure that they could inflict punishment and ensure military service
-> made families legible to serve the state

| seeing like an entity which is super-empowered.|
ex see like Google or see like state

useful tool for metaphorical or actual structures of technology
technologists are bad at seeing power within technology; but Magic allows technologists to recognize the role of power (where otherwise blinded ;)
chaos magic : you project a will out in the world and channel some energy to this intent and something happens into the world, and how it works don't reall matter
ex : silicon valley/ VC energy
holding intent for single person is hard, holding it for a group is much harder
-> specifications, manuals, regulations
detrititus of collective intent: specifications, manuals
easier to hold intent with people who think 'like you'
the role of "short-hand" ... iphone 6 development: design team carried a set of prototypes produced at various sizes and in the end picked the one that "felt right in the hand" -- but the team is 95% male leads to a size not comfortable to an (average) female hand
picked model that fitted better their hands -> Iphone6 too big for women, 95% of crew is male

"unity of intent"
super-empowered entity represents single position in field, otherwise it cannot act

institution: structures that centralises intent
networks : no good in propagate intent over networks, decohere when they get bigger, because they do not have structures (3000 people?), all decisions can be made on ground level, in nodes of the network
graph of size vs. efficacy: organisations scale better with size as networks start to degrade (after maybe 3000 people)
netwrork protocols point to spread decision making (allow decisions to be made independently)

topocratic network : poorly connected network (vs a network in which transaction exist on strict efficiency basis)
value from position in the network -- the nodes that connect disconnected subgraphs carry disproportionate importance (and thus reintroduce a kind of hierarchy)
infrastructure is shifting from 20th century infra, like road, railway, etc.. towards a logistic network. an ensemble of material and abstract elements.
much more logical, more like software
'imaginary'. of a thing: the understanding / mental model of a thing vs. the thing itself
the infrastructure that is legible. 
as the infrastructure becomes softter, you change it through social scrips, thru the imaginary
you can change an infrastrucure by changing the imaginary, telling the infrastructure with another story

rewriting social scripts as a tool
ex fantasy game
take stories seriously instead of props
rescript social interaction in order to live with 5 people in 1 bedoom flat, 20m²
rewrite what housing is just changing the story "what does it mean to live in a place"....


**revolution of the toolmaker:**    
toolmaker position is a priviledged position to rewrite society's flows/ on the fly?
Graph of Skype adoption (geometric curve)
foreign aid (flat)
remittances - money people end home (similarly geometric growth)
correlation or causation?

Keller Easterling, Extrastatecraft

"Technology is neither good nor bad; nor neutral" Ellul?

% GRAFT: disposition, TODO
"Disposition" ... 
Keller Easterling

rules create games + realities : magic circle (goffman)
if you punch someone in the boxing ring, that's good, outside of it, no.

it's where you learn how the system works
failures have a disposition (?)
aesthetic frame that allows you to evaluate a system and make judgment (ethics)
failure is not the only way a system breaks
fracture is another way
where are the slippage

Google security: engineers searching malware, they 'see everything'
what is weird = way to notice the malware
statistical view of the world: what is different, is start for what is malicious
(Example of cctv use in Boston, that looks for patterns that are exceptional)
"take a look at this, this doesn't normally happen" 
"never undestimate your adversary" motto in security. shifting terrains

how to come human again at the other end of the dark mountain.. (hope ;)

dark mountain (a group of artists, writers...) : interesting manifesto but what they propose as an output is pastoral and not interesting


LARP communities
social performance, social scripts
working at an affective level:
    we have a lot of models for how to do things, but not many for how we feel
"i"m not here" badge as a pause in the game
once you learn you can rewrite social rules, everything bewomes rewritable

counterpoint to legal positivity... positivism?seeks to obtain a normalisation in exploring possibilities with the goal of fixing a single wheras LARP is more playful exploration / hacking of the normative through rewriting it

book "legal traditions of the world"
in magical circle you can find out what new rules have as effect, allows to take people to places they want to explore
living two lives in parallel and consider the contrast between the two
skill of playing: doing shift between doing experience and creating social scripts - going back and forth in this
you don't learn social script through abstraction but by observation / as abstract knowledge, but by doing
learn as you go / as you do

script as legible object to interact with / rewrite